Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanksgiving Snapshot

50+ people in and out, 2 Turkeys, macaroni and cheese, dressing, sweet potato casserole, hunting, Alabama/Auburn rivalries, Ga/Ga Tech rivalries, international visitors, cozy fires, scrabble tournaments, hot cider on the stove, homemade caramel popcorn, Papa's birthday party, sketchy peach brandy moonshine, Mama G's, national lampoons Christmas Vacation, annual trip to NC mountains to chop down our tree...just a snapshot of our Thanksgiving in Habersham.

Josh and I next to our was freezing...I grabbed Josh's hunting cap to keep warm

The two things I prepared for Thanksgiving ...old fashioned mac and cheese and a Heinz 57 cheese ball...anyone see a theme there? is Eli's new trick...sitting on top of my head

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I realize that the point of a blog is to post events as they happen in order to share your life with family and friends...I tend to be a few months behind...which is to be expected for those who know me know that it takes me at least a week to return a phone call or email [I am trying to be better about this] it an early new year resolution or just growing is what we have been up to this fall

my birthday

meeting sweet Georgia

Bryce's 2nd birthday party at the farm

Eli's birthday and first Georgia Game

Our first trip togther to a Georgia game



my old stomping ground a.k.a prison

2nd trip to Israel

the dead sea...


our newest little nephew...Knox William Milbury

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Boys of Summer

I have been meaning to update our blog with the last few pictures from our trip and the rest of our summer happenings. We have been blessed to be surrounded by so many stinky little boys, and as one of three girls I am learning A LOT of new things I never knew about boys...but I LOVE them all so dearly...even my stinky husband. So here is the last installment of our around the world photos and a few fun pics with us and our sticky-fingered nephews.

I must first preface our pictures from London with a little background about our location. I never dreamed that I would be able to gleefully indulge in two of my FAVORITE pastimes both at the same cream and concerts. It is true…such a thing does exist. Christian and Sarah took us to an all-you-can-eat Ben and Jerry's carnival/concert with the boys while we were visiting them in London. It was kid/adult heaven! I must admit after 5 ice cream cones of chunky monkey, a stomach full of cotton candy and an afternoon of pet farms, loud music, and a few meltdowns (mainly Josh) I realized why my mother always advised that "too much sugar is DEFINITELY a bad idea". With that being said we had a blast shoving our faces with the 20 or so different flavors of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and hanging out with family.

I think the rest of the pics are from summer time here in Atlanta where Sarah, Christian, and the boys came to visit for the month of August. I also included some photos from my trip down to St. Simon's with my mom, sister, and baby Eli. Enjoy!

No shame in double fistin

Josh and Ollie

Ollie with cone #1

Aidan with his candy floss

Nothing like a good ol' ferris wheel ride to stir up the juices

You can take the girl out of the Youssef but you can't take the Youssef out of the girl

Christian and Aidan on the Helter Skelter

Sarah and Ollie out the Pimm's truck

Other Summer pics:

Sweet Aidan and Bryce

Joshie reading before beddies with Brycie

Josh and Aidan before Toy Story 3

Eli at the beach

Eli Giggles

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sweet Memories

Unfortunately I was unable to post about our last destination because our computer crashed along with all of our pictures...hopefully we will be able retrieve our info so that I can share the last bit of our trip with you. Stay Tuned...

In other news I was able to spend the weekend in West Virginia celebrating the wedding of a very dear friend. Allison has been a sweet friend and spiritual mentor to me for about eight years now. She has an incredible story and her strength in these last couple of years has been an inspiration to so many. Congrats Garrett and Allie!

The happy couple

Me and Allie

Allie, Pollye, and Me

Allison and Garrett's awkward pose

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paris, France

We spent a short time in Paris before heading on to London. This is my second time here and I truly love it! I love all of the fresh veggie and fruit markets, the fashion, the food, the architecture, the museums, the people walking around with baguettes…It’s like the perfect place for people to spontaneously break into a musical (or at least in my head). Josh and I spent our first day snacking on baguette, cheese and wine in a park near the Eiffel tower. Our second day we made it to the Louvre to take a quick look at the Mona Lisa before sipping on onion soup and hopping on an eco- friendly Tuk Tuk back to our hotel. We ended our lovely time here by gazing at the Eiffel tower lights and firework show….magnific!

Josh and I on the Tuk Tuk

At the Louvre fighting the crowds to see Monalisa

Here she is...

Picnic near the Eiffel Tower

Joshie and his Baguette

The tower by day...

The tower by night...